Rom-com no Okite — Episode 9

Ruri promised Mamiya she will throw him the best birthday ever, but when she got home, she realized… she has no idea what makes a birthday “the best”! She spends all night consulting her manga and the next day, asks her junior coworkers for ideas under the guise of work. But will she be able to pull it off?

Translation Notes/Trivia

  • “A couple’s half-way birthday” is a thing in Japan where you celebrate the day right in between 2 people’s birthday. For example a couple with Jan 1st and Feb 1st birthday would celebrate it on Jan 17. It was started by the shojo manga, Kodomo no Omocha, as a way to create a day special and unique only to the couple.
  • “Birthday Surprise”: This episode uses the word surprise a lot, but there’s a slight difference between the Japanese usage and English usage. In English, the “surprise” refers to the birthday person not knowing there’s going to be a celebration. In Japanese, the “surprise” refers to the birthday person not knowing what gift they will receive, or where they may be going for dinner, etc. In other words, “birthday surprise” is really describing the entire day of events/celebration.

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5 replies to “Rom-com no Okite — Episode 9

  1. Thank you so much for the fast ‘surprise’ -translations! 3 episodes from last weekend! Saving this to watch tomorrow evening to drive away Monday blues!

  2. Yay for ep 9. I’ve been stalking your blog since I started watching this drama 🙂 Thank you so much for subbing.

  3. lol i loved kodocha back in the day. hope he still got a slice of that cake the next day, shape aside i’m sure the taste is still decent XD

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