In Hand – Episode 11 Finale

Aibanemura has been sealed up by the government in order to contain the new Ebola virus.

Inside Aibanemura, Takaie acts as the primary doctor for all the infected patients and he’s running short on sleep. Himokura is busy researching for the Ebola vaccine.

The finale of In Hand is full of twist and turns!

Translation Notes/Trivia

  • In Japan, the idiom for “went looking for trouble and got into trouble” is literally “went looking for mummies (as a tomb raider) and turned into a mummy” which I think is quite radical phrase.
  • Aibanemura is a fictional place. In Japan, there used to be a town called Aibamura in Gifu Prefecture.

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In Hand EP11 END [EN][Blitz].mp4
(1024×576 | 0:44:48 | 280MB)

11 replies to “In Hand – Episode 11 Finale

  1. Thank you so much for completing “In Hand”. Have to say, it was not really my fave of this season, but well ^-^. I´m looking forward to the next dorama.

  2. Thank you for all your hard work over the course of this series. I became a patreon because of In Hand. Looking forward to future dramas from you! ❤

  3. Oh, yays, so much luffs! Much thanks for this, and, again, for the whole thing. All your hard work is just much appreciated.

  4. In the small player it shows me a bunch of green and magenta and black flickering rectangles even when I play it and Flash keeps getting blocked D:

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