Atom no Ko — Episode 3

Atom’s financial advisor, Ukai, and Umi finds out one day that they have exactly one month to return 50 million yen back to the bank manager who lent them the money out of the “goodness” of his heart! In reality, the bank manager was scheming with Okitsu to force Atom to sell, one way or another, to SAGAS! How will Atom overcome this financial hurdle?

Translation Notes/Trivia

  • The song Yaegashi was singing as the cherry blossoms were falling, to signify passing of the seasons, is the beginning of the song “Hana” by Rentaro Taki. The full first line is “A beautiful spring day at Sumida River”
  • Momotetsu is short for Momotaro Dentetsu
  • Yokan is red bean jelly
  • As nickname, Nayuta is starting to call Yaegashi “Yae” and Kagami “Gami”.
  • Spoiler alert!
    • In defense of the plot: if you’re thinking, they’ve played the game on multiple devices, so can’t they just copy the game from one of those devices? The answer is no. Software has “source code” (readable by humans, like a .cpp file) and “compiled code” (binary code that’s not readable by human, like an .exe). A game needs to be compiled to run, so they could argue that they only copied the compiled binary to the devices, instead of the full source code. That’s why they can’t recover it from other devices.
    • In argument against the plot: even the most newbie programming students know to use revision control these days. It’s absolutely unimaginable that they only kept the source code they’ve been working on on two computers! This “plot twist” was solely done for sake of drama, and it’s not realistic whatsoever.

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